Saturday, August 26, 2017

Week of August 28-September 1, 2017

6th Grade Writing Syllabus and Expectations
Great Authors Dominate with the Power of a Pen.
Teacher: Ms. Y.Narvaez
School Phone #: (956) 352-6324
Welcome to the 2017-2018 academic year! I’m extremely excited about this new school year. I must admit that I’m really looking forward to it, and I really hope that you are too. We will be working diligently the entire time; however, I can assure you that you will enjoy every second of it.
Now let me ask, “How many of you enjoy listening to music, reading: comics, drama, horror stories, or poems?” Phenomenal writers do those things and that’s exactly what I’m going to help you become.  We will have class discussions, assignments, and projects that you will present to your peers. I’m anxious to see what you all have in store.  There is no doubt in my mind that each and every one of you is really smart and have numerous ideas to share, so bring on the fun!  Let’s make it a fabulous year and give it all that we have to make it an amazing school year!
6th grade students will be learning the following this school year:
As 6th graders, we will be working on: the writing process, Writing/Literary Texts, Writing Expository and Procedural Texts, Writing Persuasive Texts, Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions (use of academic language when speaking and writing), Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation.  Students write legibly and use appropriate capitalization, and punctuation conventions in their compositions.  Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling.  Research/Research Plan, Research/Gathering Sources, Research/Synthesizing Information, Research Organizing and Presenting Ideas, Listening and Speaking/Listening, Listening and Speaking/Speaking, Listening and Speaking/Teamwork and Writing a Personal Narrative.

Materials needed in Class Every Day.
1 – Composition Notebook
Students will become avid writers and develop a better understanding of the writing process.  They are also to achieve and maintain an “A” on ALL writing assignments, projects, quizzes, and the tests.
Class assignments, homework, journals, quizzes, and projects will account for 75% of your six weeks grade. Your journal will account for 20% of your six weeks grade.  Your Tests/Exams will account for 25% of your six weeks grade.
The teacher will not assign a grade of “A” for late work.  Be aware that 5 points will be deducted per day for late work.  If work is turned in and is of good quality, it won’t be assigned a grade lower than a “70.” Work that isn’t turned in will be recorded as M-missing on the student portal so that grade reports will compute the grade as zero until handed in.
Homework/ Class Work Policy:
You are expected to come to class prepared to learn.  This means having homework assignments completed before class begins every day.  You must also have pencil, paper, and any other items needed for class every day.
Behavior will be dealt by following the Discipline Plan outlined below.  There will be no tolerance of the impeding of others learning. 
1.      Warning
2.      Parent Contact
3.      Team Meeting
4.      Detention
5.      Administrative Referral

Any Offense that is disrespectful or hurts another person will result in an automatic discipline referral to the office.

Please sign below that you and your child have read and discussed the Writing Syllabus for this year.  This section will be checked off, cut, and turned into the teacher.

______________________________           ________________________________    _________
Student Signature                                             Parent Signature                                             Date

Welcome to 6th Grade Writing!
Week of August 28-September 1, 2017

     I must say that I am ecstatic about this school year!  I can't wait to meet every single one of you.  Let me add that we are beginning a new school year, and we must work together to ensure that each and every one of you continues to excel.  You must remember that you are at Ac2E Middle School; therefore, it is your responsibility to make sure that you complete assignments, follow rules and expectations, and represent yourself and your schools adequately.  There is no doubt in my mind that you all will do phenomenal, but you have to give it everything you've got because nothing happens on it's own.  Evidently, we must work together and it's important to always remain positive in order to make sure that everyone succeeds.  Remember that we are always learners, so I can always learn from you, and you can always learn from me.  
     Another thing that I feel is extremely important is that we respect each others ideas.  Sometimes we think some ideas maybe silly; however, those silly ideas can really be life changing for others, so keep try to remain open-minded and not put anybody down.
     Parents, if you all ever have any questions, please feel free to leave a message at front office, and I will return your phone call. Phone Number (956)352-6324
     Let's make this a Sensational School Year! I found a back to school video.  I hope you all enjoy it!
Thank you,
Ms. Narvaez
6th Grade Writing
It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness. Lucius Annaeus Seneca.